The Love That Moves the Sun
Advent hope in a time of crisis
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The season of Advent traditionally involved meditation upon the Four Last Things: heaven, hell, death, and judgement. This ancient but nearly lost sacred art of contemplation encouraged Christians to evaluate who they were, what they treasured and how they ought to live in view of the world to come. The Love That Moves the Sun revives this ancient practice and marries it with contemporary concerns.
Each chapter considers one of the Last Things in relation to a modern crisis, from the climate emergency, rise of populism and racial injustice to the economic inequalities of class. In a time of compound crises, retrieving the sacred art of contemplating the Last Things gives a vision of hope and direction in a chaotic world of uncertainty.
The first advent began with an angelic messenger announcing the coming of Christ to Mary. The Love That Moves the Sun enables us to hear a fresh annunciation in our own time, calling us to join in with God's salvation of a groaning creation and the hope of a new earth where justice dwells.