The Canterbury Companion to the Book of Common Prayer Gospels
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For every BCP service of Holy Communion, matins or evensong, where the sermon focuses on the Gospel of the day, here is an inspirational and practical companion for preachers, by a leading member of the Prayer Book Society.
In its 350th anniversary year, many churches rediscovered the Book of Common Prayer which still remains the primary prayer book of the Church of England. This companion is also designed as a devotional guide, to be read in preparation for worship and is also ideal for the housebound.
For each Sunday and saints' days in the year there is a commentary on the Gospel of the day, an appropriate verse or prose quotation, and a prayer in traditional language to harmonise with the KJV text used in the Prayer Book.
The Book of Common Prayer has a one-year lectionary, nevertheless the Gospel readings cover all the seasons of the church's year and explore more general themes during the long season of Trinity.