Seeking Life
The Baptismal Invitation of the Rule of St. Benedict
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Publisher: Canterbury Press Norwich
ISBN: 9781853118791
Number of Pages: 160
Published: 01/09/9900
Width: 12.6 cm
Height: 19.8 cm
Baptism is the entry point into the Christian family and the Church is the community of the baptized. It is fundamental to our Christian identity and many congregations renew their baptismal promises on Easter Day each year - such is its significance. Yet, how well do we understand the spirit and depth of those vows and how much do they shape our daily lives? Parts of the Rule of St Benedict are believed to be based on addresses given to those about to be, or who had recently been baptized, and they are a practical guide to 'choosing the road that leads to life'. With her characteristic insight and wisdom, Esther de Waal, draws out timeless spiritual teaching on how to live when reborn 'of water and the spirit'. A follow on volume to the author's, classic book "Seeking God" - a bestseller for 25 years.
'An attractively produced and sensitively illustrated hardback.' -- TIm Hurren 201206