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Pioneering Spirituality

Resources for Reflection and Practice

Pioneering Spirituality

Resources for Reflection and Practice

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Publisher: Canterbury Press Norwich
ISBN: 9781848258174
Number of Pages: 256
Width: 13.5 cm
Height: 21.6 cm

Pioneering ministry sounds like something you do, something active, even something driven. However, prayer and contemplation are at its heart, paying attention to God, to the world and to oneself - a kind of being that goes hand in hand with doing. Pioneering requires a spirituality that will fuel a life lived beyond the borders of the church.

In this collection, a range of practitioners explore the inner and outer dimensions of pioneering spirituality. Offering many proven and innovative ideas, they explore what resources, fuels and sustains a life of pioneering mission.

What is the spirituality in the UK's wider culture and how do we connect with it appropriately? How might spiritual treasures such as the Eucharist, prayer, pilgrimage, spiritual direction and community rhythms of life be expressed to those with whom pioneers share life? And how might communities of disciples grow and be formed in this pioneering spirituality?

Cathy Ross, Jonny Baker

Cathy Ross is Tutor in Contextual Theology at Ripon College Cuddesdon and MA Programme Leader at CMS. Jonny Baker is course leader at the CMS Pioneer Mission Leadership Training programme in Oxford.

With so much change everywhere, not least in the Church, it is all too easy to imagine that we have to re-invent everything including the Christian Gospel. But what might it mean to say that pioneers need to be people who continually put down deep roots into the spiritual treasury we have inherited while re-imagining those treasures in new ways that speak clearly and directly into today's world. Pioneering spirituality is about people listening and telling, learning and exploring, paying attention and discovering hope rooted in the good news wherever we are. Here are stories that remind us of the spiritual treasures we all share and what they look like in pioneering situations. They will surely inspire readers to make connections for themselves and see possibilities in their own contexts. -- Revd Dr Liz Hoare