The Canterbury Book of New Parish Prayers
Collects for the church and for the world
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More than 50 units in stock.
This collection of around 500 original collect-style prayers and biddings covering the life of the Church and the life of the world.
Contemporary in focus and language, the prayers are written in a concise style that makes them ideal for public worship but will also appeal to those who wish to pray privately but struggle to find the words.
Prayer topics include:
* The Church Year and Festivals
* The Global and Local Church
* The Environment and Social Justice
* Politics and the Leaders of the Nations
* Life Stages
* Spheres of Work, Arts and Education
* Suffering and Tragedy
Helpful guidance on leading public prayer and writing your own collects is also included.
The biddings and prayers written and compiled by Max Kramer launch us into praise, thanksgiving and intercession. He brings together ancient and contemporary, beautiful and simple prayers to provide treasure for every Sunday and every topic. We are drawn into praying with a Jesus-shaped heart. During the Liturgy or informal prayer, anyone leading the Prayer of the Faithful, lay or ordained, will find this book a wonderful resource which will be mined time and time again. -- Archbishop Stephen Cottrell 'This is a book I've been searching for. Recognisably contemporary in its desire and expression, reassuringly graceful and faithful in its hope, this collection is an attractive invitation to us all to pray together and to get a glimpse as to how we might ourselves be part of the answer to the raw need of the world.' -- Mark Oakley, Dean of St John's College, Cambridge